A competitive multiplayer drawing game developed for iPad.
A Peggle clone built from scratch in Swift.
$aveNUS allows NUS students to track their food expenses and savings, get food recommendations and more!
Java Git GitHub
annotate.me aims to be the best web interface for universal object detection labelling.
React JavaScript
A simple NUS Exam Countdown application for Hack&Roll 2019.
Android Studio Java
PromoGo allows Small Business Merchants to promote their stores to potential customers through targeted promotions and an addictive promotion capture process.
AgileBerry is a project task tracker and management web application for software engineering teams to track and visualize their progress.
React Redux TypeScript PostgreSQL
YogaPets is a pet-caring application for pet owners and care takers to bid and sell pet care-taking services.
React PostgreSQL
mello is an all in one family management app that brings families closer and makes family organization a breeze. With mello, a connected family is a happy family!
React Native Firebase